Blessed with every Spiritual Blessing
I am an education supervisor in a correctional facility; I service inmates with classes to help them develop academically, culturally, vocationally, and individually. I was raised in a traditional Buddhist family in Hawaii. I had no realization of my need of getting saved until the age of 26. The Lord, in his sovereignty, placed me in a foreign country, Germany, preparing me through circumstances to receive Him though faith. During my initial period as a Christian, my faith was strengthened through the reading of books by Watchman Nee.
It was during those initial years that I learned to give my heart entirely to the Lord. I evangelized with Christian groups that were active in Europe and eventually felt led to attend a Bible school in Germany. The Lord began to direct my thoughts to consider the characteristics of the New Testament church. Soon, I found the local church in Frankfurt, Germany. The experience gave an enormous boost to my spiritual life and to my experience of the church as depicted in the New Testament.
Since then, 1976, the faithful ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee continue to be a rich source of spiritual understanding and nourishment for my experience of the church.
To me, their writings can be characterized by 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “Yearning in this way over you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own souls, because you became beloved to us.” The sum of this experience has deepened my appreciation and my love for the Lord and for His eternal purpose. The blessing of Christ as well as meeting with the local church has positively affected my marriage life, family life, work life, and community life. Indeed, we are blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3).
Bruce M. Sakamoto
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